
Farmers, bankers, lecturers, civil servants and NGOs undergo CASE training in Kaduna

Thirty participants gathered at the Le Helda Palace Hotel in Kaduna, Nigeria from 20-23 April 2009 to build their capacities in the CASE approach and multi-stakeholder engagement. They were made up of representatives of Farmer organizations, bankers, agro-input suppliers, civil servants and NGOs in the agricultural sector. Representatives of the College of Agriculture were also present.

They were taken through agribusiness concepts like competition, innovation and coordination. The participants also tried their hands on diverse analytical tools that will aid them to better link grassroots agri-food industry actors to assured markets. They are now empowered with skills to visualize and analyse their respective commodity clusters and component value chains. The participants also have the skills to engage the cluster actors to strategize and continously improve on their value chain activities.

The outputs of this capacity building exercise in Kaduna is shown in pictures at the photo gallery here: http://picasaweb.google.com/aissa.blog . Hope you join us next time somewhere on the continent to sharpen your skills in agricultural intensification.


Welcome to AISSA Blog

Dear AISSA Members,
You have been waiting to have a means to communicate amongst yourselves since our website was hacked in November. The wise say "Every misfortune is a blessing". After this event we reckoned that it is prudent to have a more secured website. This is taking sometime and so in the interim we are going to use this blog to communicate amongst ourselves. I hope this medium will serve our heartfelt wish to exchange information and experiences till the website is fully functional.

Chers membres du réseau AISSA,
Vous avez attendu d'avoir un moyen de communiquer entre vous, depuis notre site web a été piraté en Novembre. Les sages disent "Tout le malheur est une bénédiction». Après cet événement, nous avons estimé qu'il est prudent d'avoir un site plus sécurisé. Cela prend un délai et dans l'intervalle, nous allons utiliser ce blog pour communiquer entre nous. J'espère que ce moyen sera notre souhait sincère d'échange d'informations et d'expériences jusqu'à le site web sera entièrement fonctionnel.

Victor Clottey

Download a presentation on AISSA challenges and opportunities prepared by Victor for the 2006 Africa Fertilizer Summit.


AISSA at a glance

The AISSA network is a forum to share information and innovations on sustainable agricultural intensification to improve rural livelihoods. The objectives are:
• Provide a forum for exchange of information and of experiences related to sustainable
agricultural intensification and its facilitation;
• Produce and disseminate tools to identify opportunities for sustainable agricultural intensificationat the regional level and facilitate the development of competitive agricultural production systems
and rural agribusiness
• Join forces for advocacy work within both private and public sector decision-making structures that support sustainable agricultural intensification
• Stimulate collaborative activities, involving facilitating institutions with different experiences and backgrounds.